..... and we know you are too! It seems every year like it's going to be an early spring, and every year we get some sort of crazy weather whammy just before we're ready to start. Spring will come soon enough though, it always does, and we'll be ready for it.
We've made a few changes this year that we are really excited about- and this shiny and sparkly new website is one of them! Being the outdoorsy plant people that we are, we've dug our heels in on the tech side of things for years, but we are coming around!
The last year has thrown us all quite a few curveballs. Covid-19 has and continues to influence all of our lives in many ways. We've had to become more tech savvy as a society- virtual meetings and work, virtual school, virtual Dr. visits, etc. We've missed out on some simple pleasures we've grown accustomed to- dining out with friends, trying on those cute jeans before buying, hitting the weights at the gym- the list goes on. But in the same breath it has allowed us to unplug as well. It has allowed us to grow from within. Maybe you're working on that project you could never seem to find the time for. You are getting outside. Maybe you're just walking the dog more, or finally starting that running routine you've been thinking about. Many of us are working on those landscapes and gardens. Engaging with the earth. Learning that we can grow so many things that can sustain us that we don't have to buy in a store (leaves can make great toilet paper in a pinch, but hopefully we are past that silliness). It can be a very liberating feeling, realizing how much we can do for ourselves; how much we maybe don't really NEED all the things we think we need. We don't need to completely outsource our lives.
That brings to mind one of our many changes here at Greenacres Nursery. Many of you have known us as the big tree folks. That's still very true! We have and continue to specialize in large trees, as well as the hardy shrubs and perennials our customers have relied on us for for so many years. We are now adding veggie starts to that equation. We are starting more veggies than we have before, right here in house at the nursery, and we are really excited about it! We do not have climate controlled greenhouses. We have grown things outdoors for many years, just as they would be grown in your landscape- that's really the best- that way you know that the plants you get from us here at Greenacres are hardened off, hardy to our area, acclimated and ready for you! So our starts are not going to look quite the same as ones that have been grown for weeks in a hot and humid greenhouse with a constant liquid feed, but rest assured, they'll grow. We're using non-GMO seed as well, just fyi.
Many of you who have shopped with us in the past know that we typically post sales and info on our facebook page and our mailing list. From here on out, this blog on our website will be the place to find information. We will post sales when they are occurring, update you with information on new inventory arriving, answer frequently asked questions, and of course throw in some 'just for fun' stuff here and there. Everything will still be cross posted to facebook. We aren't quite open for the season yet as I write this, but we do try and check messages and respond periodically during the off-season. We will start posting info on spring shipments- we know a lot of you are chomping at the bit for fruit trees and berry bushes among other things- as soon as we have solid information to post. In the meantime, you can tune up your mowers, blowers, and trimmers, sharpen your shovels and pruners, and start making your wish lists! We are looking forward to serving you!
We wish you all a joyful and HEALTHY 2021! Until next post....